Aftercare Suggestions
Step 1: Leave adhesive bandage on skin for 3-4 days. (Unless otherwise instructed.)
Step 2: Preferably in the shower and after you've washed everything else, allow warm water to run on the covered tattoo. Peel it off from the top down, while keeping the bandage close to the skin as it’s being peeled off. It will be full of liquid (ink, blood, plasma). Thoroughly wash your hands with liquid antibacterial hand soap (such as DIAL). Then wash the tattoo gently with hands only, letting the soap do all the work. Rinse thoroughly.
Step 3: Let the tattoo air dry then apply a very light coat of scent free daily moisturizing lotion (hypoallergenic recommended). only a thin layer is needed. DO NOT suffocate the tattoo in a thick layer of lotion.
Step 4: The next morning and every day after: Wash the tattoo, rinse thoroughly, and air dry. Apply lotion once dry. Repeat as needed.